Do you know there’s more to you and more to life, but your inner landscape is too often a space of turmoil?

Have you ever had a feeling or an energy that’s asking for your attention,
and you’re aware of it and simultaneously avoiding it?

Or maybe you overreact to a certain type of situation or person consistently -
you know it’s not logical, and you also can’t seem to stop it.

Are you ready to be seen, witnessed, and invited into more?

Would you like the ability to navigate any charged situation?


What is this work, and Why is it Essential?

    • When we experience trauma, we get stuck at different ages. In order to change this stuckness, we must go to that age or part of ourselves to be present with them and begin the healing process. We must witness ourselves. 

    • You are the ultimate in parenting you. All of our parents fucked up in some big or small ways. You have the power and the privilege to undo what they did and create exactly what you desire in and with You. All it takes is awareness, willingness, and a little guidance. 

There’s really no hiding from yourself. You can avoid, refuse, reject, and pretend, but that only gets you so far. Are you done with that? There’s more available…

When we’re willing to go into the dark places within ourselves and bring healing to them, we emerge into our lives lighter, clearer, joyful, and more free. 

I remember being a teenager and bumping into the idea that everything we seek is inside us. I was both offended and extremely desirous of this possibility. I resonated with it so strongly, yet all of my conditioning told me it couldn’t be true. I had already begun moving toward healing at that point, but this was a stretch for my limited mind. 

What if you are the only one who knows what’s true for you?
And what if you have far more access to your awareness and your superpowers than you think? 


This incredible program offers you the following: 

  • A supportive and cohesive community with like-hearted participants who are also committed to their growth and having more

  • 5 modules that are rich and experientially based

  • intentionally paced so you can integrate content into your life

  • comrades to adventure with

Meet Megan Adair

Hello, beautiful Being!

I’m so glad you’re here on the planet at this moment in space! And I’m grateful you’ve found your way here.

What I want you to know is that you can have more. It really is available - possibility, joy, ease, healing, confidence. I would be honored to guide you in healing, creating more space, and having more fun!

You are worthy of receiving support, acknowledging your power, and having a group of like-hearted individuals to adventure and grow with. There’s so much more possible when we go on this journey together!

Click the button below to learn more about me, my journey, and my credentials!


This one-of-a-kind program includes 5 online modules in which we will dive into awareness, knowing what’s true for you, engaging with your different ages and parts, and learning how to facilitate yourself.

Modules will take place every Sunday evening from 7:00-8:30 pm EST. Each module will be process oriented and experiential with a manageable chunk of teaching to allow for integration, practice, and processing time in the week between modules. The aim is to go slow and steady and implement change in your daily life.


  • You’re willing to have more ease

  • You’re game to take it one day at a time

  • You’re ready for tremendous growth

  • You’re open to face old fears and have more fun

  • You’re ready to be with yourself, your emotions, your experience

  • You’re willing to step into unknown places within yourself and your life


Questions & Logistics


This is a 5-week group program beginning February 23, 2025.



If you feel called to the energy of this program, you know it’s the right fit. What is your body communicating - your heart, your gut? Book a call with me and explore the possibilities. When you take a step towards inquiring into and/or choosing this, the Universe will act on your behalf. I often find that clarity proceeds from action.



I am here for you every step of the way. You will have access to the community and me via Telegram.



You will be guided again and again into your own awareness. We’ll take it slow and steady so you can play with this method and use it to enrich your life on the daily. As I guide you through different tools, you will learn to lead yourself through them so you will have loads of practice and can take them all into your life moving forward. The aim of this program is sustainable, lasting change where you emerge with tools you can use for the rest of this lifetime and beyond.



Modules are 1.5 hours every week. Each module will be an interactive experience with other explorers like yourself, diving into your own experience and psyche and bring your presence and care.



This whole experience is you with you, you with the Universe. Everything you learn is designed to be lived out in your daily life - that’s where change happens. Are you willing to commit to repatterning the way you relate to yourself but afraid you’ll let yourself down? I get it. I’ve been there, too. Can I tell you a secret? It’s the way you choose to be with yourself as you acknowledge what you’re choosing that’s the gamechanger. Also, I invite you to take it one day at a time. It doesn’t feel as glamorous as that big, dramatic breakthrough, and yet habitual change is the backbone of transformation. Will you release all the judgment, expectation, and projection? We’ll dive into this in a space of community where you can share with the group outside of modules. You will be held; I’m asking you to hold yourself, too.


I’m Not Ready

If you are nervous about the prospect of this experience changing a lot, I want you to know it’s totally normal to have fears come up. Congratulations! This is a sign that you’re on the path to life-changing growth. Please be honest with yourself. Lower your walls and barriers, expand your energy out in all directions. Truth, are you choosing from fear or possibility? Notice the energy that each of these questions brings up -
Truth, what will my life be in 1 year if I choose this? In 5 years? In 100 years?
Truth, what will my life be in 1 year if I don’t choose this? In 5 years? In 100 years?
Choose what’s true for you.


I don’t have time

This is a commitment. We make time for the things we want. I want you here if you are ready and willing to have this growth. This is an investment in your life and your body: You receive what you put in. This shadow work journey with yourself, community, and the Universe will demand something new of you. I can tell you that when you face and alchemize your life experiences, when you befriend and include your body, it can change everything, both inside you and out in the world.