2 January/February Sessions
I’ll be back in Columbus mid-January to mid-February, and I’m taking a handful of in-person clients for energy and shamanic work. Spending 2 months with the beauty and nature spirits of Ireland and then 3.5 weeks in Montana has been quite literally enlightening. Have some!
I’ll be back in Columbus mid-January to mid-February, and I’m taking a handful of in-person clients for energy and shamanic work. Spending 2 months with the beauty and nature spirits of Ireland and then 3.5 weeks in Montana has been quite literally enlightening. Have some!
I’ll be back in Columbus mid-January to mid-February, and I’m taking a handful of in-person clients for energy and shamanic work. Spending 2 months with the beauty and nature spirits of Ireland and then 3.5 weeks in Montana has been quite literally enlightening. Have some!